The commands that we are going to cover in this blog are
- date --------> current time and date
- cd --------> change director
- mv --------> move
- rm --------> remove
- rmdir --------> remove directory (empty){cannot del non-empty dir}
- man --------> manual
- mkdir --------> make directory
- touch --------> create empty file
- history --------> history of commandsAlways remember, in Linux case (upper case & lower case) does matter.leo@nemesis:~$1 2 31--->account name2--->hostname of the computer name(computer name)3---->user is without root privilegeIf root is like adminstrator account in windows. In linux, root account has access to manipulate any file.__________________| root@nemesis:~# | <----- Here # means the user is with root privilege.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So, starting with the execution of commands on the terminal{comamnds are written after $ or # symbol.}1)calleo@nemesis:~$ cal
2)dateleo@nemesis:~$ date
Wed Aug 15 10:51:45 IST 20183)cdIn Linux there are no drives (unlike windows having C, D, E drives), there is only files and in windows " C:/ " is the main drive, Linux we have " / ".leo@nemesis:~$ cd /home/ opening "/home" on terminalleo@nemesis:/home$4)mvleo@nemesis:~$ mv ./Pictures/linux.png ./Downloads/
Above command is moving the linux.png file to Downloads. In Linux " . " is used for the current directory.5)rm
leo@nemesis:~$ rm linux.png
removing the file named linux.png
Try the other remaining commands.
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